

Ecosystem Indicators Scorecard

Using the most current data available, the 2021 Ecosystem Indicators Scorecard describes the status and trends of Lake Champlain’s five major segments: Missisquoi Bay, Northeast Arm, Malletts Bay, Main Lake, and South Lake. Nine indicators have traditionally been used to characterize the current condition of Lake Champlain. Many pressures influence the indicators for each segment and affect the five segments differently, depending on their distinct physical and biological characteristics. Responses from and management actions of LCBP and its partners have improved some of these indicators in many ways; others will continue to improve as LCBP works toward its mission. A new indicator was added for this report: Lake Champlain freeze-over. Management activities likely will have little impact on this trend, but changes in ice cover may impact the Lake’s ecosystem and are worth reporting.  

Indicators were chosen with the guidance of dozens of scientists and state, provincial, and federal technical experts as the best means of characterizing progress, or the lack of it, in areas where adequate data exist. Detailed explanations of each indicator and the criteria used to determine the scores are available on the LCBP State of the Lake website ( 

The State of the Lake Summary on pages 4 and 5 of this document highlights key issues for each of these five major Lake segments.